Slabs of light weight marble granite and stone on HONEYCOMB |

Example made of
black granite of
thickness of 2 mm
applied on
Honeycomb panel of
thickness of 5 mm.
Example made of two slabs
of lightweight marble
of sq.m. 3 each one;
cm 250 x 122 x 2,
cm 300 x 100 x 2.
Weight kg 57,71 each.
Lifted by hand!
The laying in work
will turn out easy,
fast and so cheap.

With the application
of the Honeycomb,
from every single
slab of stone
material of the
thickness of 2 cm,
the double of sq.m.
of surface original
thanks to the split
of the slab itself
is obtained.

Pregious materials
with natural
drawings they allow
the formation of
open stains
perfectly symmetric.

Slab made of
arabesque marble
lightened on
Thickness of
the marble 5 mm.
Honeycomb 13 mm

From 15 raw slabs
of marble of cm
250 x 122 x 2
we have obtained
30 panels of marble
lightened of the same
cm 250 x 122 x 0,5
marble thickness
+ 1,3 Honeycomb thickness.

The Honeycomb
panel is a structural
composite panel
in established
like that bee nest:

the said outside
coverings "skins"
are constituted by a
double fabric of
bidirectional glass
of the total weight
of 600 Gr/sq.m.
which the stone
material is applied
on in the minimum
thickness of 2 mm.
The thickness of 5
mm is the standard.

Said "skins" are
soaked with
special resins.
The Core of the
panel is constituted
by a bee nest slab
in aluminium.

The members of the
Honeycomb panel
are gathered and
subsequently joined
through a trial to
high temperature.

The principal properties of
the honeycomb panel are:
1_ Raised resistance to the
efforts of cut and flection;
2_ Excellent stabilities;
3_ Excellent resistance to
the compression;
4_ Flatness;
5_ Lightness;
6_ Resistance to the
atmospheric agents;
7_ Resistance to the
temperature difference
from -40° to +90°.

The reaction tests
to the fire, according
to the method
CSE RF 3/77 and
CSE RF 2/75 A
to they make
turn out the
honeycomb panel
in 1 CLASS.
The thermoplastic
film we use
involves superior
values of Peeling
until 5 times
as regards the normal thermosetting resin. Minimum 100 Newtons value (Resistance to the Peeling according to the EN 2243/3 rule). Such he tries it has been made also after a series of cycles of accelerated ageing which has not involved any deterioration of the characteristics of the panel. The honeycomb panel exposed to many ageing methods, does not show signs of reduction, of adhesion and resistance (certified n° 85086 of the Jordan Institute of Rimini - Italy) .

5 mm thickness
of stone applied
on 15 mm thickness
of Honeycomb,
for a 20 mm
thickness total,
weight 18,92 kg/sq.m..
Usable kinds of application
The applications are many. In architecture: continuos and windy facades; wall coverings; ceilings; partition walls; coverings and floorings for private and industrial elevators sector. In furnishing: plans for desks and tables; shutters for wardrobes; shelfs. In the naval sector: Interiors furnishing; covering walls; floorings.
Laboratory tests stock up, on demand, specific asked to the order (used kind of stones and final application) to guarantee the mechanical characteristics of the provided STONE-HONEYCOMB panel.