Slabs of marble granite and stone laminated stratified double on GLASS |

Thin slab of stone material laminated both sides with glasses by FFPROCESS®.
Some marbles, granites or stones, once thin laminated, gain translucency, exciting colors and natural features.
Rare and precious onyxes may be used even in case they have natural cracks.
The decorative thin layer of the stone laminated to the glass provide one product, the GLASS-STONE-GLASS,
combining the beauty of the stone and the excellent mechanical characteristics of glasses.
The GLASS-STONE-GLASS has a remarkable resistance to the stresses.
Usable types of stone
It is possible to use any stone, once being checked in advance for the level of transparency, after gauging to thin thickness.

Usable types of glass
It is possible to use one or more glasses, in various thicknesses.
Normal float or extra-clear glasses, stratified glasses, tempered glasses etc.
The GLASS-STONE-GLASS panels sizes are 2800 x 1500 mm maximum.
Stones materials: from 2mm to 6mm.
Glass: from 4mm to 10mm, multi-strata or not ( other thicknesses on request ).

The GLASS-STONE-GLASS panels can be cut by:
- Traditional machinery using normal tools of glass industry;
- Water jet cut machine.
- The GLASS-STONE-GLASS panels adopting tempered glass are produced in fixed sizes only, because they cannot be cut after lamination.
Types of application
Interiors with high strength requirements: shelves, work plans, internal walls, enlightened walls, floating floors, enlightened false ceiling, desk tops, tables, door claddings, vanity tops, etc.The GLASS-STONE-GLASS panels may be used also outdoor, in properly framed metalwork.
Laboratory testing set up on request, for any specific final application (type of stones and final application);
normally to guarantee the mechanical characteristics of GLASS-STONE-GLASS panels:
Flexural strength under concentrated load, before and after ageing cycles.
Rupture energy, before and after ageing cycles.


GLASS-STONE-GLASS Table mm 2800x1500 in honey onyx 5 mm thickness bistratified on both onix surfaces with extralight glasses 10+10 mm thickness. Neon backlighting system.
